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Annual Development Review

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Progressive Review for the month(s) of : May - 2021,

Showing Page Number : 59 of 69

Code Scheme Name District of Location Commen. Comple. PC - I Status Status
Orignnal / Revised
PFY Expenditure Original
Releases Expenditure Acc. Expenditure Throw Forward Targets Achievements Remarks Images
191816-180454 - Construction & Rehabilitation of Roads in Sub-Division Lakki.. [MA]
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 17.816 17.705 7.287 7.287 7.287 7.176 24.881 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
Physicall Completed
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  1. Chichandi Tajbi Khel to Ping Azad Khel Phase 01 (01 KM)
  2. Kotka Hamayun Azad Khel Killay
191720-170230-Constn of BT Road from Berghanato Dam to Nari Musa Khel (2 Kms) & Sarobi to Karkarina via Basia Sam Phase-II (5 Kms) in FR Bannu. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 84.304 54.836 24.945 24.945 24.945 5.102 59.938 4.523 95% 71%
May - 2021
02- Components 1- E/W,S/Base, B/Course S/Work & TST in progress. 2- Completed cannot be complted due to local Dispute
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1. Barghanato Dam to Nari Musa Khel 2 KM
2. Sarobi to Karkarina via Basia Sam Ph-II 05 KM
191768-160477-Construction of B/T Road from Gongi Khel to Abdul Hakim Khan Kalay Daryoba, FR Bannu. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 142.385 91.518 50.867 26.938 26.938 14.404 105.922 0 100% 74%
May - 2021
(Length- 12 Km) E/W , S/B ,B/C & S/Work & TST in progess. Cannot be completed Land dispute Re-appropiration Rs: 20.00 M
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191782-060093-Constn: of Black Topped Road From Telephone Exchange to SM Rocha, FR Bannu. (10 Kms) (Revised) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 284.189 129.533 50 68.735 68.735 68.576 198.109 104.656 63% 70%
May - 2021
02 Units 1. Bridge at Km-02 36 Piles, 10 Nos Girders and 08 Nos Steel Completed 2. Bridge at KM-10 Pile cab, Both Side Abatment, 18 Nos Girder are completed both side protection wall in progress
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1. Bridge KM-02
2. Bridge KM-10
191793-180225 - Construction and Black Topping of Roads in Sub-Division Bannu. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 26.18 8 18.18 15.267 15.267 10.267 18.267 0 100% 70%
May - 2021
Complted . Delete from drfat ADP
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Const: of B/T Road from aragai Abdul Khel via to Lakari Sarorogha 2-KM
191806-170436 - Construction of B/T road from Tanga Bridge to Rocha (5-KMs) (Phase-I) in FR Bannu. (GD) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 64.87 58.076 9.856 9.856 9.856 9.856 67.932 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
Complted . Delete from Draft ADP
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191817-180456 - Construction of Blacktop road in Sub-Division Bannu [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 25.101 8.423 15.577 15.577 15.577 12.696 21.119 1.101 96% 84%
May - 2021
Complted . Delete from Draft ADP (Will reappropriate funds of Rs. 1.4 M from other scheme)
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Const: of B/T road form Ali Khel to Zara Mandi 2 KMs in Sub Division Wazir Bannu
191827-190282 - Construction of Black Topped Roads in Tribal Sub-Division Wazir & Bittani [MA]
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 51.75 12.28 31.47 4.5 4.5 4.5 16.78 8 85% 32%
May - 2021
Complted . Delete from Draft ADP (Will reappropriate funds of Rs. 4.2 M from other scheme)
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  1. Abdul Khel to Lakari Sararoga in Bannu 1.5 KM
  2. Saidgai road Malik Dawood Khan Koroona 1.20 KM .?.?. (TS 13.984)
  3. Noor Gul Koroona Wargari to Sraooba 1.152 KM
191815-180453 - Construction / widening/ Improvement of Roads and causeway in Sub-Division Kohat [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 42.235 7.009 66 10.49 10.49 0 7.009 0 100% 17%
May - 2021
(Length- 4 Km) E/W , S/B ,B/C S/Work & TST in progess. Cannot be complted due to land dispute.
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Road form Akhur to Donga Thaymer Khel i/c Link to Eagle For 3 KM
191802-180296 - Construction of Black top Roads in Sub-Division Peshawar [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 22.576 5.537 22 15.162 15.162 0 5.537 0 100% 25%
May - 2021
(Length- 2 Km) E/W , S/B ,B/C, S/Work & TST in progess. Cannot be completed due to Site Disputed Completion : June-2021.
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Main Sherakera to Babak  ali Khel Road Peshawar.
191803-180297 - Rehabilitation and Widening of Roads in Sub-Division Peshawar. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 21.2 5.25 32.05 17.522 17.522 14.296 19.546 0 100% 92%
May - 2021
(Length- 2 Km) E/W , S/B ,B/C & S/Work in progess. Road leads to area where mineral have been explored and uneven loading. Cannot be completed due to revission required to revision requiremnet.
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Rehabilitation and Widening of Roads in Sub-Division Peshawar.
191826-190281 - Construction of Black Topped Roads in Tribal Sub-Division Hasan Khel & Dara Adam Khel. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 40.021 0 40 24.63 24.63 17.955 17.955 0.021 100% 45%
May - 2021
Earth work completed S/W & Sub base in progress. Will be completed with reduced scope.
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1 Ziareegul Kallay 0.50 KM
2 Zamir Khel Jawaki Road 02 KM
191834-070009-Feasibility and Design of Pre-stressed RCC Bridges, Roads and Buildings in FATA, (Phase-II) (Revised) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 148.476 110.175 18.833 0.833 0.833 0 110.175 19.468 87% 74%
May - 2021
Consultancy Scheme. F/S Completed Funds Reappropriated
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191834-070009-Feasibility and Design of Pre-stressed RCC Bridges, Roads and Buildings in FATA, (Phase-II) (Revised) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 148.476 73.688 37.635 0 0 0 73.688 37.153 75% 50%
May - 2021
work started
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191834-070009-Feasibility and Design of Pre-stressed RCC Bridges, Roads and Buildings in FATA, (Phase-II) (Revised) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 148.476 110.841 37.635 37.635 0 0 110.841 0 - -
May - 2021
Completion : June-2021.
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191834-070009-Feasibility and Design of Pre-stressed RCC Bridges, Roads and Buildings in FATA, (Phase-II) (Revised) [MA]
South Waziristan
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 42.4 110.175 0 0 0 0 110.175 0 - 100%
May - 2021
PC-II for contruction of RCC Bridge on Shahoor river sent to SE South C&W MA
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191835-150147-Design & Rehabilitation of Damaged Portions of Roads in SWA Phase-II, Gomal Zam WANA Road. (Km-66 to Km-117). [MA]
South Waziristan
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 95.384 89.28 6.104 6.104 6.104 6.104 95.384 0 100% 100%
May - 2021
(Length 8Km) E/W , S/B ,B/C & S/Work in progress. Completion : June-2021.
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191837-170421-Construction of Road from Maidan Khyber Agency to Tortooth Kurram Agency via Haider Kandao (15 Kms) in FATA. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 40 40 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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191839-170398-Construction of BT Road from Ustrana Area Kohi Bahara to Sherani Tehsil Darazinda and National Highway at Parwara Mughal Kot Road Ph-II (10 Kms), CPEC. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 129.822 60 75.822 75.822 75.822 17.701 77.701 0 100% 60%
May - 2021
(Length 10Km) E/W , S/B ,B/C & S/Work in progress. Cannot be completed due to Local dispute.
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191841-170399-Construction of Link Roads to CPEC in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 395.353 99.5 70 0 0 0 99.5 225.853 43% 25%
May - 2021
Share not yet identified.
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191841-170399-Construction of Link Roads to CPEC in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 395.353 0 70 70 5 0 0 325.353 18% -
May - 2021
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191841-170399-Construction of Link Roads to CPEC in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 395.353 99.5 70 70 70 48.938 148.438 225.853 43% 38%
May - 2021
03 - Units all in progress
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  1. Package 1 (KM 1 to 7)
  2. Package II (KM 8 to 14)
  3. Package III (KM 15 to 21)
191843-170401-Construction of Bridge on Kabul River at Michani Area in Tribal Districts. (Phase-I) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 400 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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191845-170334-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. (Bajaur, Mohmand, Orakzai & Khyber) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 84.424 42.365 4.279 4.279 4.279 4.279 46.644 37.78 55% 55%
May - 2021
Length 11.5 Km Road work & Premix completed S/Work in progress. Demand Rs. 10 M
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  1. Rehab: of road from College Chowk Khar to Damadola via Tangai 10 KM
  2. Rehab: of Inayat Killi by pass road 1.9 Km
191845-170334-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. (Bajaur, Mohmand, Orakzai & Khyber) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 74.78 16.28 32.479 0 0 0 16.28 26.021 65% 22%
May - 2021
02 Units. 08-Km B/C completed, work in progress.
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1 Repair & Reh: of BT road from Had to Ziarat Tehsil Prang Ghar
2 Repair & Reh: of BTR from Main Ekka Ghund road to Shno Ghundo Ekkaghund
191845-170334-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. (Bajaur, Mohmand, Orakzai & Khyber) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 69.988 0 0 0 0 0 0 69.988 - -
May - 2021
Work in progress. Demand 10 M
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191845-170334-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. (Bajaur, Mohmand, Orakzai & Khyber) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 349.01 130 25 25 0 0 130 0 - -
May - 2021
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191846-170335-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. ( Kurram, NWA and SWA) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 133.939 72.135 11.819 11.819 11.819 11.819 83.954 49.985 63% 63%
May - 2021
03- Units all in progress
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  1. Road to village Ghuzgari form Kanda Kunj Alizai UK
  2. Tola Link road form Zeran to Kirman road
  3. Road from Gulab Gul Check Post to Rawoz Village
191846-170335-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. ( Kurram, NWA and SWA) [MA]
North Waziristan
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 110 25.133 10.191 10.191 10.191 10.191 35.324 74.676 32% 32%
May - 2021
Work in progress on 04 components. Scheme can be completed ahead of shedule subject to availibity of funds
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191846-170335-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. ( Kurram, NWA and SWA) [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 112.239 108 30 30 0 0 108 0 100% 96%
May - 2021
05- Components Work in progress on 04 components.
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191846-170335-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in Tribal Districts. ( Kurram, NWA and SWA) [MA]
South Waziristan
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 112.239 34.816 22.99 22.99 22.99 22.99 57.806 54.433 52% 52%
May - 2021
Work in progress on 04 components.
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  1. Repari of Wana Azam Warsak Road i/C 800 Mtr Azam Warsak Bazzar
  2. Repari fo Tanani Gul Katch Road
  3. Repair of Tank Wana Road via Gomal Zam Road
  4. Repair of Wana Angoor Adda Road
  5. Chagmalai Bridge Protection on Jandola Wana road KM 10 (Jalal Khel Area)
191847-170336-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in All Sub-Divisions of Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 65 16.562 39.939 39.939 39.939 22 38.562 8.499 87% 59%
May - 2021
08- Components. 1) E/work completed, S/work,TST,DST in progress. 2) Not yet started. 3) Completed 4) Completed 5) Completed 6) S/Work in progress. 7) E/Work in progress. 8)Sun base & WBM in progress. .
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  1. Gangi Khel Check Post upto Abdul Khel Ahmadzia Area 5 KM
  2. FC For ali Khel to Nokori 5 KM
  3. Sain Tanga Jani Khel upto NWA Border 6 KM
  4. RD 6000 to Kaito Data Khel 5 KM .?.?. (TS 9.833)
  5. Slab of Tanga Bridge on Bannu Miranshah Road .?.?. (TS 6.505)
  6. Daryoba Chapari road 2 KM .?.?. (TS 4.287)
  7. Barghanato Dam to Musa Khel 2 KM .?.?. (TS 4.217)
  8. Sangari Zarwam Shewa Road 5 KM
191847-170336-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in All Sub-Divisions of Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 65 53.806 4.487 4.487 4.487 4.487 58.293 6.707 90% 90%
May - 2021
08- Components completed.
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  1. Main Kho Bahara Road Ustran Area
  2. KM 03 to Nawb Daggar Km09 Ustarana Area
  3. Darzinda form KM-01 to KM-10
  4. Main Landi Baloch rod Shado Kanchi to Hazy Kharram Road
  5. Hazy Kharram Road form Km 07 to 11
  6. Landi No.1 to Landi No. 2
  7. Main Higway to Palwan Kalay
  8. Old GU Khazai to Sary Gul 02 KM
191847-170336-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in All Sub-Divisions of Tribal Districts. [MA]
Lakki Marwat
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 25.2 9.694 16.303 16.303 16.303 11.76 21.454 0 100% 85%
May - 2021
06- Units All in progress. Demand Rs: 11.780 M
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  1. Tajori Gabber Road (KM-10) 2.5
  2. Tajori Gabeer Road (KM-11) 5.0
  3. Tajori Gabeer Road (KM-14) 1.9
  4. Tajori Gabeer Road (KM-15) 2.9
  5. Tajori Gabeer Road (KM-18) 7.1
  6. Tajori Gabeer Road (KM-22, 23) 5.8
191847-170336-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in All Sub-Divisions of Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 31.484 8.788 14.78 14.78 14.78 0.65 9.438 7.916 75% 30%
May - 2021
6 units - 3 Work in progress.
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1 Sunny Khel 3-KM
2 Bahadar Killi Road 1-KM
3 Aman Shah Bosti Khel 1-KM
4 Bosti Khel 3-KM
5 Zore Killi 1-KM
6 Dara Bazar to Shaukat Talab Road 2-KM
191847-170336-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in All Sub-Divisions of Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 326.394 121.183 103.5 103.5 0 0 121.183 0 - -
May - 2021
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191847-170336-Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Roads in All Sub-Divisions of Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 60 43.59 7.935 7.935 7.935 6.754 50.344 8.475 86% 84%
May - 2021
11- Components 04 Units - Completed 07 Units- Work in progress
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  1. Main Jandola Gabbar Road form  KM 4 to 12
  2. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 13.5 to  17
  3. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 21 to 25
  4. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 26 to 28
  5. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 29 to 31
  6. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 32 to 34
  7. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 35 to 37
  8. Main Jandola Gabbar road form KM 01 to 02
  9. Main Umer Adda Pirtangi Road from KM 1 to 05
  10. Main Umer Adda Pirtangi Road form KM 20 to 33
  11. Main Bayan Babar Mela Road at KM 5 to 6
191848-170337-Construction of Bridges in All Agencies, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 198.877 0 76.662 76.662 76.662 0 0 122.215 39% -
May - 2021
Detail cost estimate submitted.
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191848-170337-Construction of Bridges in All Agencies, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 198.877 122.215 76.662 76.662 0 0 122.215 0 - -
May - 2021
Completion : June-2021.
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191849-170338-Construction of Bridges in All FRs, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 369.738 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
May - 2021
Financial bids under process
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Constn of 02- Nos Bridges on large & Small Khaisora.
191849-170338-Construction of Bridges in All FRs, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 13.283 8.895 50 1.1 1.1 1.1 9.995 0 100% 75%
May - 2021
1 mutispan Culvert ghulam Banda - Excavatoin, Lean concrete, RCC raft and Internal X.Wall completed. Slab laid.
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Multispan Culvert ghulam Banda
191849-170338-Construction of Bridges in All FRs, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 1.1 1.1 1.1 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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RCC Box Culvert at Ghulam Banda Khor
191849-170338-Construction of Bridges in All FRs, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 369.738 62.834 50 50 0 0 62.834 0 - -
May - 2021
No Image
191849-170338-Construction of Bridges in All FRs, FATA [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 77.262 34.349 15.9 15.9 15.9 0 34.349 27.013 65% 44%
May - 2021
E/Work=Completed S/Base completed S/Work 70% completed. Bridge Structure Roof Slab 03-No completed. Protection work started.
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Rehab: of Shuza Bridge
191851-180574 - Construction of Bridges on existing major roads in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 58.96 3.5 0 0 0 0 3.5 55.46 - 6%
May - 2021
Test pile completed. 17 Nos pile completed. Remaining work in progress.
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Const: of RCC  Bridge over Damadola khwar Inayat Killi Bazar Damdola Road
191851-180574 - Construction of Bridges on existing major roads in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 82.55 0.451 12.629 12.629 12.629 11 11.451 69.47 16% 14%
May - 2021
E/Work in progress.
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Const of RCC Bridge of Prong Tanga Algad on Zarwam Shewa Zarwam Road
191851-180574 - Construction of Bridges on existing major roads in Tribal Districts. [MA]
North Waziristan
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 246.361 0 6.84 6.84 6.84 0 0 239.521 3% -
May - 2021
Bridges approches by PAK Army 9th Speical forum and will be exucted by PAK Army
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191851-180574 - Construction of Bridges on existing major roads in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
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191851-180574 - Construction of Bridges on existing major roads in Tribal Districts. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 640.608 70.98 35 35 0 0 70.98 0 - -
May - 2021
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191852-190253 - Construction of RCC Bridges in Merged Areas. [MA]
30-11--1 30-11--1 - 30-11--1 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
May - 2021
No share for Bajaur
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